Analysis of Traffic Accidents and Handling with Aek and Bka Methods to Determine Accident-Prone Areas

(A Case Study of The Bogor District Government Road Area)


  • Andri Irfan Rifai Faculty of Engineering, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Farhan Faculty of Engineering, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia


Accident Equivalent Rate, Accident-Prone Areas, Roads, Traffic Accidents


Bogor Regency with the largest population in Indonesia, namely as many as 5.9 million people. With the population in the area classified as very large, the number of traffic accidents in Bogor Regency is high, namely 357 accidents in 2018. It affects the level of traffic density, but this condition is not balanced with adequate road facilities and infrastructure and public transportation. Of course this causes an increase in the volume of traffic in the Bogor Regency Regional Government Road Area and also increases the potential for accidents. The research objectives were to determine the performance of roads, accident-prone roads, dominant causes of accidents, and to know the prevention of accidents in the Bogor District Government Road Area using the Accident Equivalent Rate (AEK), Upper Control Limit (BKA) method. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that Jalan Raya Bogor, Jalan Raya Sukahati - Karadenan, and Jalan Tegar Beriman are included in the category of roads prone to traffic accidents, because they have AEK values that exceed or are greater than the BKA and UCL values. The most common type of accident was Front-Forward crash, which accounted for 39.51% of the total number of accidents. The time of accidents that most often occur in the area of Bogor Regency Regional Government Road is in the morning at 00.00 WIB - 06.00 WIB with a percentage of 28.53% of the number of accidents.


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